Sunday, 13 November 2011

Shamrock School

OK, so, some of you may have heard. You all know I've been living in Shamrock School for a while now, but I have recently, as of last week, accepted a job working as their new English Teacher as of January 2012.

I've been working over the last few days to over-haul the official Shamrock School website. So, for a little idea of what I'm getting myself into, head over to

Also, I applogise to all that once again, I'm slacking at keeping this blog up-to-date. I've had a hectic couple of months with many stories to tell. I'll post them all up as soon as I can. Thanks to taking on a proper job in Shamrock, I have a little more stability in my life, and Internet in my bedroom, so the time will come over the next few days for a proper update.

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