Sunday 13 November 2011

Shamrock School

OK, so, some of you may have heard. You all know I've been living in Shamrock School for a while now, but I have recently, as of last week, accepted a job working as their new English Teacher as of January 2012.

I've been working over the last few days to over-haul the official Shamrock School website. So, for a little idea of what I'm getting myself into, head over to

Also, I applogise to all that once again, I'm slacking at keeping this blog up-to-date. I've had a hectic couple of months with many stories to tell. I'll post them all up as soon as I can. Thanks to taking on a proper job in Shamrock, I have a little more stability in my life, and Internet in my bedroom, so the time will come over the next few days for a proper update.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Photos, Motorbikes, Bars and Tattoos.

So, as anyone who reads any of my blog or has me as a friend on Facebook will know, I have a motorbike and live in Pokhara now, which has lead to me regularly visiting the Coolest Bar in Pokhara, A.K.A. Bullet Basecamp, where I bought my bike from.

Hanging round in there I meet some amazing people, recently I met Sam and Ashlan, a Kiwi/Canadia couple currently traveling in Nepal. We somehow got onto a talk about Tattoos, which is when they showed me theirs, I asked them there and then if I could photograph them before they left Pokhara. They were very eager.

A few days later I met Ravi from, we got talking about photography and he offered me the use of his studio- I knew strait away who I wanted to photograph.

I'm really pleased with the results and just wanted to share them with my blog readers.

So, here are Sam and Ashlan photographed by me at the studio:

Sam & Ashlan

Sunday 10 July 2011

Asleep in Kathmandu

OK, so, I had to come to Kathmandu to meet with people from the university who got me my visa, and to meet with BK Shrestha from Global Action Nepal (GAN) as I will be doing some work with them on their teacher training programmes, all this neatly tied in with my friend Alina's birthday party.

Saturday 18 June 2011

I have some wheels at last!

This is a life defining moment for me! I finally parted with some cash in return for a pair of wheels. After teaching myself to ride on a friend's bike a while back I really wanted my own, so, at last I am now the proud owner of a Yamaha/Escorts RX100.

Handing over the keys

More info if you click through:

Tuesday 7 June 2011

I think a fresh start is in order.

OK, so, I've been in Nepal about 10 months now and, well, my blog posting has been nothing short of shameful in frequency. It got to the point where I was so out of date with it that the idea of updating it became like clearing out that disorganised filing cabinet that you don't really want to get involved with because you know it's a mammoth task, but you know the longer you don't do it the worse it will be.

So, as I'm about to embark on a whole new phase in my life, I think now is time for a new phase in this blog- a phase where I actually update a lot more.

Good news has hit me, yesterday I was finally granted one year study visa to stay in Nepal working on a research project which looks at Teacher Training in government schools in Kaski and Gorkah districts. I'll post more info soon.

At the moment I'm just trying to get my new life settled, get moved into my new bedroom, buy myself some wheels and get a little settled. Loads more info on all of this soon. Watch this space... (and I promise to actually fill said space this time!)

Monday 28 March 2011

Long overdue...

Sorry I've been excessively quiet lately, been so busy in life in General. But so much has gone on over the past few months.

OK, so, I'm going to make a series of short posts which just cover some of the bigger events that have happened since I last posted a looooooong time ago. Too much to put in one post really.

Firstly, I want to say I hope you all had an amazing Christmas, this was my first ever Christmas away from my family in the UK, so instead we had a Christmas party here in Sikles with my Nepali family.

It was great, had a lovely roast dinner. I cooked two chickens, 3KG of mash potato, some home made apple sauce (which was amazingly nice), a tin of Cranberry sauce, some lumpy gravy (because I'm not so good at making Gravy, but it tasted great anyway) and some peas. Everyone was intrigued by the idea of a meal which was neither spicy nor contained rice. But over all it went down very well.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Coming soon...

An epic update of the last few months where I've been far too busy to write blog posts.

For now, here's a picture of Kazaa and Askaa looking too cute for words at our family Christmas party.


(and for anyone who's wondering, that is a chicken's foot in Kazaa's mouth, left over from cooking Christmas Dinner).